The first ”Kick”…

Por Marco Alzamora
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The first “Kick” is in Mommy’s tummy! From the inside out … Of course! It was not necessarily a “kick pointy” or “Tip Foot”! As we referred as children soccer athletes when we scored a goal from kick pointy”. Only well after we were to become showy, especially when we got the first soccer boot and stood posing for a picture with the leg crossed to emphasize the new outfit. To show ourselves bigger (acting likes an authority) … We sucked mate from the pump within the mate bowl … As tradition dictates! The kettle is an instrumental part of the ritual. We learned from early childhood disciplinary rituals of our actions. Of course we’re talking about boys, but many girls play soccer nowadays. Sinks, tots, rascals, brats … And so many codenames for these little kids that begin their life endurance and their “kicks” life out and life in.

Características do eBook

Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:

  • Autor(a): Marco Alzamora
  • Editora: Marco Alzamora
  • Idioma: Português
  • Tamanho: 3204 KB
  • Nº de Páginas: 12
  • Categoria: Língua, Linguística e Redação

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