Brazilian Corporate Law

Por Paulo Byron Oliveira Soares Neto
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This book aims to provide the reader an insight, a broad and objective manner with regard to the Corporate Law, exposing the historicity, general theory, company business, types of business companies, trademarks and patents in the light of doctrine and Brazilian legislation. Thus, in writing this book I meant as much as possible to facilitate the understanding of some trainers institutes of business law. Obviously it is up to the reader, if you wish, to deepen their knowledge in this field of law. I thank my sons, Caio and Giovanna for being extremely sympathetic to this father who loves you!

Características do eBook

Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:

  • Autor(a): Paulo Byron Oliveira Soares Neto
  • ASIN: B07D5LJM4T
  • Editora: Clube de Autores
  • Idioma: Português
  • Tamanho: 324 KB
  • Categoria: Direito

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