Uma Serialkiller chamada Emily

Por João Cezar
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When Emily’s parents are brutally murdered, she is left alone in the world with a thirst for blood and a desire for power. As she embarks on a killing spree, she attracts the attention of a mysterious figure who reveals to her the true nature of her conscience. Faced with a choice between redemption and destruction, Emily must confront her past and her demons in order to break free from the cycle of violence and emerge as a changed and reformed person. But as she navigates the treacherous path towards redemption, she realizes that the greatest threat may come from within, as the darkness within her struggles to resurface and pull her back into the shadows. Can Emily overcome her inner demons and claim her new life, or will the ghosts of her past haunt her forever?

Características do eBook

  • Autor(a): João Cezar
  • Editora: Macabre Mídia Co.
  • Idioma: Português
  • Tamanho: 477 KB
  • Nº de Páginas: 9
  • Categoria: Fantasia, Horror e Ficção Científica

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