The human body that we have received… should do the duty of being humane. There should be humanity in life. But what is humanity?
According to Param Pujya Dadashri, the Gnani Purush (the enlightened One). The definition of humanity is that when someone hurts you, troubles you, you don’t like it. Hence, you should also not hurt anyone. That, according to Him, is the biggest humanity. Whoever understands this and applies it in life means he knows what is humanity.
Getting a human body means one is free to go to any is one of the four forms of life (gattis). One is human form, the other three being – animal form, devgatti (heaven/celestial being) and narak gatti (hell/beast form).
Whatever are the causes so are the effect. If we show humanity, we will get a human body in the next birth. If we are inhumane, we will be re-born in the animal form. If we are extremely bad and inhumane then we are re-born in narak gatti. If we spend our life in doing good for others and help them without any expectations then we get a life in devgatti.
In this book, Param Pujya Dadashri has discussed the concepts of humanity with the humble intention that if people learn about humanity then their human life will be fruitful.
Características do eBook
Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:
- Autor(a): Dada Bhagwan
- Editora: Dada Bhagwan Aradhana Trust
- Idioma: Português
- Tamanho: 1488 KB
- Nº de Páginas: 55
- Categoria: Autoajuda
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