The Artist Paulo Byron

Por Paulo Byron Oliveira Soares Neto
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Author s Notes This work, the first volume of the series, aims to introduce the reader ssobre the artist Paulo Byron Oliveira Soares Filho, his work, testimonials, awards and a bit of its history. Being the son of this artist who will deal in the works, died on March 09, 2018. Seeking to keep my feelings overflow through the text to the reader in this way, it would go against the proposal in question. I present unto them in this first volume a few works of Bohemia and Children s Play series. Art does not allow labels to be assessed. Paulo Byron Oliveira Soares Filho

Características do eBook

Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:

  • Autor(a): Paulo Byron Oliveira Soares Neto
  • Editora: Clube de Autores
  • Idioma: Português
  • Tamanho: 4143 KB
  • Categoria: Arte, Cinema e Fotografia

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