Skills, plans and success tips for kids
Por Ivor FrostWe are either providing our children with the proper tools for success, or barriers that prevent them from reaching success. Are you a launch pad or a hindrance to your child experiencing success in their life?
Success is your child having the ability to effectively deal with challenges, obstacles, disappointments and setbacks, and yet through it all, find peace and happiness. Sounds good right? What parent wouldn’t want to provide their child with the tools necessary to enjoy a successful life? The challenge is, many parents are focused on ineffective methods, typically because they just don’t have the knowledge. This book is a blueprint for success.
Are you developing a motivated child or a slacker? Yes, you as a parent determine that as well.
Human behavior expert Dan Lier, shares proven research by the most prolific behavioral psychologists in history, along with his Psycho-Success Developmental Theory.
What you will learn:
· How parents set the stage in the Pre-Development Stage
· Developing Respect and a Success Mindset
· Developing the “work-reward” relationship
· Why some kids are motivated and some are not
· How to develop the “Drive for More” or the “Drive to Sustain”
· Why and how kids get “Hard Wired” for success or failure
Learn how to provide your child with the best chance to succeed in the physical world.
Características do eBook
- Autor(a): Ivor Frost
- Idioma: Português
- Tamanho: 576 KB
- Nº de Páginas: 174
- Categoria: Administração, Negócios e Economia
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