Respect and motivation (The Thousand Faces Little Witch collection teaches you to live better Livro 10)

Por Antônio Carlos dos Santos
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THE CHILDREN’S BOOK – for children of all ages

A family of frogs is faced with a serious problem: the pond where they live is drying and they, in search of survival, must prepare for the change.

This is the context from which the ten books in the Collection emerge. The goal is to make children master the tools that made planning the instrument of change and innovation, the driving force capable of leading people and organizations to success.

In this tenth book in the Collection, the Little Witch of a Thousand Faces teaches the frogs the meaning of the word ‘respect’, how important it is for happiness and for civilization. And it complements the lesson by demonstrating that motivation is one of the main inputs capable of ensuring quality to our tasks.


The collection “The Thousand Faces Little Witch collection teaches you to live better” contains 10 children’s books. In a playful and fun way, the works discuss the elements and principles necessary for the success of any project, from simple brushing your teeth or making your bed when you wake up to an exploratory trip to Mars, going through the challenges of everyday life: how to improve your life. dialogue with parents, how to get better grades at school, how to improve performance in games with friends, etc. and etc.

The challenge is to teach children to process thinking so that they can do more and do better with less expenditure of resources.

See here the works of the Collection:
1. Plan
2. Organize
3. Study
4. Exercise
5. Reading
6. Culture
7. Meditate
8. Interact
9. Make friends
10. Respect and motivation

The collection
In the search engine of the website, type “The Thousand Faces Little Witch collection teaches you to live better” and access the 10 books in the collection.

The author
In the search engine of the website, type “Antônio Carlos dos Santos” and access dozens of works by the author.

Características do eBook

Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:

  • Autor(a): Antônio Carlos dos Santos
  • ASIN: B08JHGKK22
  • Idioma: Português
  • Tamanho: 7649 KB
  • Categoria: Administração, Negócios e Economia

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Faça a leitura online do livro Respect and motivation (The Thousand Faces Little Witch collection teaches you to live better Livro 10), escrito por Antônio Carlos dos Santos. Esse é um trecho gratuito disponibilizado pela Amazon, e não infringe os direitos do autor nem da editora.