In 1999, Shaul Shani and Amos Genish, two fearless businessmen, without any experience in the Brazilian telecommunications market, driven by a great dream but with limited capital, built GVT and took on the industry’s large companies. Against all odds, the startup grew to become an important player in an industry dominated by giants, transforming itself from a small undertaking of US$ 54 thousand, into a US$9 billion company that is considered a market reference.
In this book, Bruno Fernandes and Chico Barbosa highlight and analyze the events behind GVT’s creation. It is a story with all the makings of a corporate thriller, revealing the moments of tension, doubt, and the extreme pressure under which the GVT executives operated as they made their way to the top of the industry.
From the start, Shani and Genish faced seemingly insurmountable obstacles, such as investors’ skepticism and aversion to new technology businesses, and delays in the company’s IPO (Initial Public Offering). Moreover, as the company and market evolved, they had to tackle diverse management issues, expand operations to new regions and launch new businesses. Each milestone the company reached was a stepping stone in building a culture based on fiber and people. By investing in new technologies as well as in its employees, the company built a highly motivated team, able to communicate with customers in a transparent way, delivering consistent results.
GVT started a new cycle when it was acquired by Telefónica in a competitive and unprecedented deal that became the biggest foreign investment in a Brazilian asset since 1980, at US$ 9 billion.
“GVT’s strength lies in the originality of its business model, as well as its technological model.” – Jean-Bernard Lévy, former CEO, Vivendi
“GVT has an incredible story, leveraging its latest generation network and technology with a DNA that is highly focused on innovation.” – Marco Patuano, former CEO, Telecom Italia
Características do eBook
Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:
- Autor(a): Bruno Fernandes
- Tamanho: 5093 KB
- Nº de Páginas: 313
- Editora: Sextante
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