O rei abandonado: Ele me alimentará com os tubarões se souber a verdade sobre mim

Por BB Hayden
Baixar O rei abandonado: Ele me alimentará com os tubarões se souber a verdade sobre mim pdf, epub, mobi, eBook
Diren Marcello já havia perdido tudo devido a Vanessa Shackler; seus pais,
seu império e sua vida. E agora, Diren e Vanessa vão se casar! ! !

Diren escolheu Vanessa Shackler para ser
sua cara-metade. Mas ele é
no escuro que é a mesma Vanessa que pisoteou seu
vida em pedaços, uma década atrás. Vanessa agora a teme
segredos serão revelados a Diren, e
mesmo antes
a Guerra da Máfia, todos os esqueletos estão fora.


1) “This author will make your heart thrill with
weep like a baby and then release you from her evil grip, giving you
a sense of joy
relief and grief. Don’t worry, the novel is an HEA and there are lots of Found family love elements all throughout the book. You will only have Grief that the
novel is over “
– Claire Black
( Editor, Hesham Publishers)

2) “This book will tear your
heart out . Not once. Not twice. But many
many times. And you will still be
glued to it, wondering if something is
wrong with you. There is a
moment where Accra lies about
a death, and i was
hoping that his lie was
true, all the while knowing he is
dead for sure. And then Accra
slaps the hero. That’s when you
need more tissues to wipe yourself.”
– Emma Roberts
(ARC reader)

3) “After all the action and adventure, all the adrenaline pumping, and all the scenes
that made me
cry, i didn’t expect a
Happily Ever After from this novel. I would
have taken a plane to wherever she is,
to eat her alive, if the book wasn’t an HEA.”
-Helen Dawns
(ARC reader)

4) ” This book has hit a list of
Romance books that make me cry
and this book is the 1st book on
that list and probably the
only one cos I don’t cry for
nobody or nothing and this will
certainly end one a list of books that
will make you
cry WARNING:’This book will make you
sob and weep like a puddle on
the floor, multiple times. It has
deaths, losses and desperate situations for
the characters. The author has not
toned down on those, and
insists that readers cry their
eyes out. But she finally rewards them with
a Happily Ever After Novel that
they can cherish forever ” –
– Jane, A Romance book lover

Características do eBook

Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:

  • Autor(a): BB Hayden
  • ASIN: B09Z2Y8BQM
  • Editora: Cloud 9 Publishers
  • Idioma: Português
  • Tamanho: 5515 KB
  • Nº de Páginas: 309
  • Categoria: Romance

Amostra Grátis do Livro

Faça a leitura online do livro O rei abandonado: Ele me alimentará com os tubarões se souber a verdade sobre mim, escrito por BB Hayden. Esse é um trecho gratuito disponibilizado pela Amazon, e não infringe os direitos do autor nem da editora.