O Amor Divino (Finados): Santo Daime: a Doutrina da Floresta

Por Costa Via
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Antônio Gomes da Silva was born in Ceará, 30 April 1885. He married Maria de Nazaré in Ceará, and had five children. He lived in Belém do Pará for a while, and then moved to Rio Branco, Acre, in 1921. He worked as a seringueiro, or rubber tapper, and later as a farmer. He lost his first wife, married again, and had another four children. He met Mestre Irineu in 1938, and he received benefits for his unstable health. Antônio Gomes then became a member of the Santo Daime doctrine, as did his whole family. His son Leôncio became the new leader of Alto Santo, after Mestre Irineu’s death, in 1971. His granddaughter, Peregrina Gomes, was the third wife of Mestre Irineu. Antônio Gomes da Silva died 14 August 1946.

Características do eBook

Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:

  • Autor(a): Costa Via
  • Tamanho: 4377 KB
  • Nº de Páginas: 168

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