Morrer de novo

Por Edson Ribeiro
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Morrer de novo is a novel. It is a satire of the ways in which religions conceive of life after death. In it are the main beliefs, glued together to form an absurd universe. What to do when there is no more time or any need? Preserve your memory so you don’t die again. The novel is composed of a dialogue with other well-known works of literature that deal with death, time, memory, the absurdity of existence. The narrative is also a dystopia about the contemporary world: in this place where the dead go, there are still the great dilemmas of a world where living is frightening. But the life post death is not a gladness. There is a absense of meaning out the memory, that needs be safe.

Características do eBook

Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:

  • Autor(a): Edson Ribeiro
  • Idioma: Português
  • Tamanho: 3147 KB
  • Nº de Páginas: 190
  • Categoria: Romance

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