Macacos Marinheiros

Por Connie McBride
Baixar Macacos Marinheiros pdf, epub, mobi, eBook
Um macaco marinheiro sobe a bordo.
Cinco macacos marinheiros desenrolam a genôa.
Treze macacos marinheiros dão um gybe.
Dezoito macacos marinheiros descem a âncora.
Vinte macacos marinheiros pulam no mar.

Children follow the Boat Monkeys as they climb aboard a sailboat, lift the anchor, raise the sail, and sail away. Along the way they trim the sheets, grind winches, tack, and check their course. An extra monkey joins in for each part of the fun until there are 20 monkeys sailing back into a harbor at the end of the day. A fun counting book that also teaches sailing terms to the next generation of sailors, Boat Monkeys is recommended for ages 3 through 8, but it is a treat to read at any age. Available in English (Boat Monkeys), French (Singes Marins), German (Bordaffen), Portuguese (Macacos Marinheiros), and Italian (Poesia delle Scrimmiette).

Características do eBook

Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:

  • Autor(a): Connie McBride
  • ASIN: B006L6A714
  • Idioma: Português
  • Tamanho: 1393 KB
  • Nº de Páginas: 21
  • Categoria: Infanto-Juvenil

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