INGLÊS AMERICANO E INGLÊS BRITÂNICO: um estudo de sinonímia e polissemia
Por Marília Guimarães GaioPalavras chave: origens, polissemia, sinonímia, inglês americano, inglês britânico, influências, conceitos, corpus.
The present study aims to trace the origins of some common words as used in American and British English, as well as the presence of polysemy and lexical synonymy. It is a comparative bibliographical study, using the comparative-historical methodology, designated by method of comparison of concepts and corpus raised between the two variants. For that, it was important to have the knowledge of the history of the English language from the moment it was born as Old English until the actual moment in which we called Modern English, as well as the great foreign influences present in the language. Sites such as, www.en.oxforddictionaries. com and, have compared information on the origins and influences of each dictionary studied. The Merriam Webster (2008) dictionary of the American variant, and the British Collins Collins Cobuild (2006) were also used for the comparison of concepts and polysemy search. In addition, Corpus sites of Contemporary American English (COCA), and the British National Corpus (BNC), for comparison of written data. Through the comparisons and analyzes made with the data collected, it was possible to achieve the intended objective.
keywords: origins, polysemy, synonymy, American English, British English, influences, concepts, corpus.
Características do eBook
Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:
- Autor(a): Marília Guimarães Gaio
- ASIN: B09C6KF12M
- Editora: Seven Impress
- Idioma: Português
- Tamanho: 7427 KB
- Nº de Páginas: 102
- Categoria: Língua, Linguística e Redação
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