Houve uma vez na República

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August 1992
We are in full swing politics in Brazil . However , despite having achieved a return to democratic stability , achieved through 30 years of struggle , we face an unprecedented crisis which again , endangering the stability of the country

Perplexed by a “future ” that had just begun , we awaited the course of events and a favorable outcome torcíamos for Democracy, which could no longer afford the burden of authoritarianism , the casuistry and the incompetence of those who were chosen to put the country in ” track progress ” .

The people were called to the streets to be part of a process of ” execration ” public of a president, who , perhaps , had not all the blame assigned to her so vehemently . To me , it seemed that the national collective unconscious , taking advantage of the fact , desired purge of Brazil over five hundred years of corruption and misrule in just a moment incursions political party , thus rescuing imagining the pride of a nation suffered , succumbed inertia in economic and social obscurantism longtime .

This paper is intended only to put on paper some small details of some events in the political history of a government that has marked us all, and will serve for reflection .
jota E. de Carvalho

Características do eBook

Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:

  • Autor(a): JOTA E. DE CARVALHO
  • Tamanho: 569 KB
  • Nº de Páginas: 59
  • Idioma: Português
  • Categoria: Eleições Política e Ciências Sociais

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