Haiku For Children: Sensespelling (Luminous Colors Livro 1)

Por Aline Negosseki Teixeira
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Haiku: the photograph of antiquity in the East.

Uniting the creative and poetic sensitivity that writes their stories, their educational vocation and affection that sweeps the world of children, Aline Negosseki Teixeira, Brazilian poet and novelist, debut in children’s literature speaking of haiku, ancient art of reflection and imagination.
Being small short poems that stimulate the imagination to speak of beauty, sweetness and simplicity, sharpening creativity not only the poet, as the reader, the author immediately thought that they are the face of children. Haiku For Kids – Sensespellings is beyond a book of poems tissues from the look of real moments that the author has experienced over the years, but a guide that proposes to initiate the reader in the art of brevity.
After all, is an exercise in sensitivity, as all poetry.

Written especially for visually impaired readers to compose with the senses smell, touch, taste and hearing, the fragments of moments, sensespellings, is a work to sensitize all ages.

Características do eBook

Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:

  • Autor(a): Aline Negosseki Teixeira
  • ASIN: B00F2OA46O
  • Editora: Letríssima
  • Idioma: Português
  • Tamanho: 1366 KB
  • Nº de Páginas: 18
  • Categoria: Jovens e Adolescentes

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Faça a leitura online do livro Haiku For Children: Sensespelling (Luminous Colors Livro 1), escrito por Aline Negosseki Teixeira. Esse é um trecho gratuito disponibilizado pela Amazon, e não infringe os direitos do autor nem da editora.