Guerreiro do Elemento

Por Mateus Dias
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This comic shows another direction of our story. In the year 2000 happens the third world war, a short war, almost a year, more with huge loss. Ninety percent of the human race was killed and two-thirds of the land territory became uninhabitable thanks to nuclear bombs. Survivors try to rebuild themselves, some become monsters due to radiation, and some begin to develop powers of elemental control. These special humans become feared and hunted by ordinary men, many to be studied. The hero Riuki is separated from his sister Kyria after his parents were murdered. Riuki being dominated by the fire element decides to go after the killer of his parents trying to find his sister lost after the event.

Características do eBook

Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:

  • Autor(a): Mateus Dias
  • ASIN: B07ZN74H69
  • Idioma: Português
  • Tamanho: 78381 KB
  • Categoria: Ação e Aventura

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