Cearês & Matutês Dictionary

Por Eslon Bogachy
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Book title: Cearês & Matutês Dictionary

Author: Eslon Bogachy

ISBN: 978-85-64641-05-1

Book In Print: Bowker Book Analysis – BBA

Number Of Pages: 496 pages

First Published in: August 2011

4th Edition Published in: December 2011

Language: Portuguese

Generes/Keywords: Dictionary, idiomatic expressions, customs, cuisine, historical facts, myths and legends, famous personalities and examples of comparative phrases and Philosophy of countryman from Northeastern Brazil.

Formats: PDF, Kindle.KPF, ePub.


This dictionary presents in a rich way the culture of the Brazil Northeast, with over 6200 ancient and current idiomatic expressions, as well as cuisine, history, myths and legends that tend to be forgotten in the globalized and digitized world in which we live, reason why I decided to research for nearly 5 years before publishing the work, which serves as a basis for studies both for academia and for readers that want to immerse deeper in the rich lifestyle and culture of Brazil Northeastern people through my book. Enjoy reading, Eslon Bogachy.

Características do eBook

Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:

  • Autor(a): Eslon Bogachy
  • ASIN: B09NQGT7M7
  • Idioma: Português
  • Tamanho: 7022 KB
  • Categoria: Língua, Linguística e Redação

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