Capita Kuro De Marte: Captain Kuro From Mars
Por Nick BroadhurstThe story is good for children, and it teaches them to follow their imagination. It allows them to believe what is really their own beliefs. The book is also being made available in comic-format, though the story was always designed for picture book format. There are twelve stories so far in this book series. It is in multiple languages.
The Captain Kuro From Mars series follows the Sequetus Series science fiction story, wherein there is a small animal from Mars, known as Kuro. This is the same black cat Kuro. The first book in the Captain Kuro From Mars series stars at the exact point where the twenty-three book Sequetus Series finishes.
The author, Nick Broadhurst, has a real cat, and her name is Kuro chan, which is Japanese for Miss Black. Kuro means black in Japanese. Kuro has insisted for years that she is from Mars and can do magic.
The author, an Australian, loves cats, and Kuro is a rescue cat who followed him home a kilometre in 2011. That was in Sydney. Kuro and the author have been together ever since. She lives with the author today in the Himalayas.
All proceeds from this book series go to educating children in Nepal.
Please enjoy the reading Captain Kuro’s adventures.
Características do eBook
Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:
- Autor(a): Nick Broadhurst
- ASIN: B07DN514M4
- Idioma: Português
- Tamanho: 18832 KB
- Nº de Páginas: 14
- Categoria: Infanto-Juvenil
Amostra Grátis do Livro
Faça a leitura online do livro Capita Kuro De Marte: Captain Kuro From Mars, escrito por Nick Broadhurst. Esse é um trecho gratuito disponibilizado pela Amazon, e não infringe os direitos do autor nem da editora.