BUSINESS ENGLISH: FAST TRACK LEARNING FOR PORTUGUESE SPEAKERS: The 100 most used English business words with 600 phrase examples.

Por Sarah Retter
Baixar BUSINESS ENGLISH: FAST TRACK LEARNING FOR PORTUGUESE SPEAKERS: The 100 most used English business words with 600 phrase examples. pdf, epub, mobi, eBook

If you are a Portuguese speaker, focus your business English learning on the most frequently used business English words. Learn how to use the 100 business English words you need for your work.

Actually, to communicate in your office you only need to master the most used 100 business English words. These words are the most frequently used and can be defined using an algorithm that provides the ranking. In this book you´ll find the list.

This book will provide you with the 100 business English words you have to use first when working or interacting with English speaking people.

The phrases are presented in a very simple fashion. No complications. Straight and simple.

So, don’t waste your time and energy! Focus your effort on the most important business English words you have to understand and use to master your English for business!

Download your copy and start focusing your energy today!

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Características do eBook

Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:

  • Autor(a): Sarah Retter
  • Tamanho: 1068 KB
  • Nº de Páginas: 66

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Faça a leitura online do livro BUSINESS ENGLISH: FAST TRACK LEARNING FOR PORTUGUESE SPEAKERS: The 100 most used English business words with 600 phrase examples., escrito por Sarah Retter. Esse é um trecho gratuito disponibilizado pela Amazon, e não infringe os direitos do autor nem da editora.