30 Minute Learning Portuguese Brazilian Language: Short Stories for Vocabulary. Beginners Book Part 2: Portuguese Brazilian to help beginners read and listen to conversations

Por Language Guru
Baixar 30 Minute Learning Portuguese Brazilian Language: Short Stories for Vocabulary. Beginners Book Part 2: Portuguese Brazilian to help beginners read and listen to conversations pdf, epub, mobi, eBook
A series of 30 minute short stories written in Portuguese Brazilian to help beginners read and listen to conversational dialect. The simple storybooks are designed to be easy to read and understand – to help novice students of the Portuguese Brazil language grasp the basic writing format while learning. This is book number 2 of a 3 book series.

Características do eBook

Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:

  • Autor(a): Language Guru
  • Editora: ZooMedia Company
  • Idioma: Português
  • Tamanho: 440 KB
  • Nº de Páginas: 13
  • Categoria: Língua, Linguística e Redação

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Faça a leitura online do livro 30 Minute Learning Portuguese Brazilian Language: Short Stories for Vocabulary. Beginners Book Part 2: Portuguese Brazilian to help beginners read and listen to conversations, escrito por Language Guru. Esse é um trecho gratuito disponibilizado pela Amazon, e não infringe os direitos do autor nem da editora.