10 Cantigas Infantis Favoritas (Children’s Songs for Language Learning)

Por I.P. Mayers
Baixar 10 Cantigas Infantis Favoritas (Children's Songs for Language Learning) pdf, epub, mobi, eBook
Portuguese learning for beginners: traditional songs ideal for bilingual education with a music approach. 10 Cantigas Infantis Favoritas presents a selection of beloved traditional songs from Brazil and is part of the an educational project. The songs presented in original language and with music notation encourage reading beginners to develop a first words’ vocabulary in Portuguese and to become familiar with the notation of music.
The book encourages reading, singing, and language learning and suits Portuguese beginners of all ages. The book presents some very popular brazilian children’s songs and among these are: Carneirinho carneirão, A canoa virou, Sai piaba, Ciranda cirandinha, Peixe vivo, Cabeça ombro perna e pé, and A barata.

Características do eBook

Aqui estão algumas informações técnicas sobre este eBook:

  • Autor(a): I.P. Mayers
  • Tamanho: 3715 KB
  • Nº de Páginas: 12
  • Categoria: Métodos de Educação Bilíngüe

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